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Top Books About Fear of Flying: Conquer Your In-Flight Anxiety

Overcoming your fear of flying is a challenging task that requires proper guidance. We have carefully curated a list of books that can help you conquer flight anxiety. These books offer tangible strategies, psychological insights, and relatable stories that have successfully grounded the fears of numerous travelers, empowering them to fly with ease. Reading these books lets you start your journey to fearless flying and experience real change. Our collection of books is more than just words. It provides proven methods to help you overcome your fear of flying.

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Key Takeaways

  • Flight anxiety often stems from multiple sources, including past negative experiences and personal stress, and manifests through both physical and psychological symptoms.
  • Professionals such as Captain Tom Bunn with his SOAR program can play a crucial role in providing strategies and support to individuals with flight anxiety.
  • Individuals can conquer their fear of flying by using cognitive and behavioral techniques, which can be learned through books, resources, online and in-person courses.

Understanding Flight Anxiety

gray plane wing

Understanding how flying works and appreciating the strict safety measures in the aviation industry can greatly reduce the fear of air travel. Let’s explore the origins of flight anxiety and how it manifests, which will help you feel more in control and comfortable when you fly. Join me on a journey to demystify the mechanics of flying.

Causes of flight anxiety

Flight anxiety is a multifaceted condition that can arise from various sources, such as past turbulent flights, unsettling stories heard from other travelers, or travel during a personally stressful period. Understanding the triggers that cause anxiety is the first step to regain confidence in flying. This fear affects people of all ages, often starting around 27 and sometimes becoming more intense with age.

Symptoms of flight anxiety

The symptoms of flight anxiety are not just mental but physical too, manifesting as:

  • a racing heart
  • sweaty palms
  • difficulty breathing
  • an overwhelming sense of claustrophobia

For some, these symptoms can escalate into full-blown panic attacks, adding another layer of distress to the flying experience.

Identifying personal triggers

Recognizing your personal triggers—whether it’s a fear of heights, enclosed spaces, or loss of control—is essential in managing flight anxiety. Understanding how your cognitive responses and external triggers, such as media stories or past negative experiences, impact your phobias, can help you develop effective strategies to overcome them.

Expert Advice: Airline Professionals Share Their Insights

Gleaning insights from seasoned airline professionals can provide reassurance and practical advice for managing your flight anxiety. From the supportive role of flight attendants to the meticulous preparations of pilots, their expertise is a valuable resource for anxious flyers looking to fly comfortably.

Captain Tom Bunn’s perspective

Retired airline captain and licensed therapist Captain Tom Bunn, also known as Captain Bunn, is renowned for his SOAR program, which addresses flight phobia with an empathetic and clinical approach. His thirty years of experience have equipped him with the knowledge to assist even the most anxious flyers, making his insights invaluable for anyone looking to conquer their fear of flying.

Flight attendant experiences

Flight attendants are not just there for service; they’re trained to manage and comfort anxious flyers. Engaging with the cabin crew can provide you with a sense of support and reassurance throughout your flight, turning them into a part of your support system.

Tips from airline pilots

Pilots are the maestros of your flight experience and have a wealth of advice for anxious flyers. Tips from airline pilots:

  • Being informed about flight processes
  • Engaging in calming practices during flights to ease your mind
  • Trusting in their rigorous training, which ensures that even during turbulence, the safety of the flight is never compromised.

Top Fear of Flying Books: A Comprehensive List

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Diving into well-crafted books can be a transformative experience for those struggling with the fear of flying. Titles like ‘Cockpit Confidential’ and ‘SOAR: The Breakthrough Treatment for Fear of Flying’ offer insights and techniques to help you fly anxiety-free.

Soar: The Breakthrough Treatment For Fear Of Flying by Captain Tom Bunn

Captain Bunn established SOAR to provide effective methods to address flight anxiety, a phobia challenging for many therapists to treat. The program has helped nearly 10,000 people overcome their fear of flying by using a comprehensive approach.

It starts by identifying the triggers of anxiety, claustrophobia, and panic during flights, such as noises, motions, or even thoughts of flying, which can increase stress hormones. Captain Bunn then guides readers through exercises that help manage these emotions permanently and automatically. The program also covers the mechanics of flying, emphasizing its safety, and provides planning techniques for a comfortable flight experience. By reading this book, Captain Bunn empowers readers with the knowledge to overcome their fear and fly without anxiety, giving them the ability to explore the world.

Flying without Fear by Duane Brown

Duane Brown’s ‘Flying Without Fear: Effective Strategies to Get You Where You Need to Go’ demystifies flying, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of air travel and debunking common myths; now his book has become a go-to resource for those seeking clarity on the subject, not just in their local area, but for the whole world.

His insights into the role and expertise of pilots help alleviate fears, offering practical advice for a more comfortable flight experience.

Fear of Flying by Erica Jong

While not a traditional flying workbook, Erica Jong’s ‘Fear of Flying’ novel explores the protagonist’s psychological journey to overcome her own fear of flight anxiety. It’s a narrative that resonates with many who struggle with the same fears, albeit in a more literary form.

Developing Effective Methods to Overcome Flight Anxiety

Fear of flying books aim to transform how readers perceive and feel about flying. From discussing multiple anxieties linked to the fear of flying to providing strategies for a more enjoyable flying experience, these books offer a variety of methods to help you overcome your flight anxiety.

Controlling excessive stress hormones

Managing your stress hormones is a critical aspect of overcoming flight anxiety. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises and visualizing positive outcomes can help keep these hormones in check.

Successfully controlling these stress hormones is essential for enhancing the flying experience.

Dealing with anticipatory anxiety

Anticipatory anxiety can be particularly challenging, but with the right strategies, it can be managed effectively. Acknowledging your anxiety and practicing cognitive techniques like deep breathing and muscle relaxation can prepare you for a calmer flight.

Strategic planning for air travel

Strategically planning your air travel can significantly reduce anxiety. Carefully selecting airlines, flights, seats, packing your flight essentials and even entertainment can contribute to a more relaxed flying experience.

Incorporating relaxation strategies into your travel plan can further ease in-flight anxiety.

Personal Success Stories: How These Books Helped Others

Personal success stories serve as powerful testaments to the effectiveness of fear of flying books. They offer hope and tangible evidence that these strategies can indeed help individuals conquer their flight anxiety.

Real-life examples

The impact of fear of flying books is evident through real-life examples. These book arms readers with the tools and confidence necessary to manage their flying anxiety successfully.

Lessons learned

Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques found in these books have been instrumental in aiding in-flight relaxation and managing pre-flight stress.

These lessons have proven to be effective for many anxious flyers, as they learn how flying works and overcome their fears.

Tips for applying the techniques

Visualization techniques and simulated environments, as suggested in fear of flying resources, have been powerful tools to develop effective methods for managing flight anxiety during real flight situations. Using positive self talk and positive affirmations is another powerful technique to give yourself reassurance and feel more confident.

Additional Resources: Courses and Workshops

Courses and workshops offer a more personalized approach to conquering flight anxiety, providing hands-on experience and guidance that complement the knowledge gained from books.

The SOAR Workshop

The SOAR program, founded by Captain Tom Bunn, offers a comprehensive approach to overcoming flight anxiety, combining online courses with in-person counseling. The program’s methods are designed to automatically control fear, panic, and claustrophobia, providing strategies for a more relaxed flying experience.

The SOAR workshop offers various programs tailored to different levels of anxiety and time constraints, including an accelerated option for those with imminent flights or mild anxiety. The holistic approach of these programs is designed to help individuals manage their fear of flying effectively.

Online courses for anxious flyers

Online courses provide anxious flyers with video materials, Q&A sessions with pilots, and downloadable content to help manage their anxiety. These resources are accessible and convenient, offering additional support to those who may not be able to attend in-person workshops.

In-person workshops and seminars

In-person workshops and seminars provide tailored approaches to address personal fears and triggers. These classes, often held at airports, offer a unique opportunity for individuals to practice their new skills in a real-world setting.


Embarking on the journey to overcome flight anxiety can be daunting, but it’s a path paved with knowledge, expertise, and personal growth. By understanding the origins of your fears, leveraging insights from airline professionals, and tapping into the wealth of resources available—from books to workshops—you can transform your flying experience into one of comfort and control.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to read if scared of flying?

If you’re scared of flying, you should consider reading “Flying without Fear” by Duane Brown, which offers techniques based on cognitive behavioral therapy to help manage pre-flight stress and relax during flights. Another option is “Soar: The Breakthrough Treatment For Fear Of Flying” by Tom Bunn, a highly effective self-help technique for nervous flyers.

How do I overcome my fear of flying?

To overcome your fear of flying, try avoiding caffeine before a flight, meditating, using breathing techniques, distracting yourself with technology or puzzles, and getting acquainted with the flight staff. It’s also important not to overreact if turbulence occurs during the flight. (Source: WebMD)

What is the best thing to take for fear of flying?

Benzodiazepines, such as clonazepam, can help reduce anticipatory anxiety and enable individuals to manage fear and anxiety during exposure therapy for fear of flying. This can be beneficial for those seeking treatment.

What are the typical causes of flight anxiety?

Flight anxiety is a common reaction to past bad flight experiences, frightening stories, stressful life events, or underlying fears such as claustrophobia or acrophobia.

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