
Learn How to Journal Every Day and Transform Your Life!

Mental Health Success Through Pen and Paper.

photo of person holding cup

Let’s face it, life gets messy, especially when we least expect it.

Every. Single. Day we face daily stresses that play a heavy and sometimes long-term impact on our mental health and well-being. 

But what if there was a simple, uncomplicated way to process your emotions, gain clarity, and boost your mood?

Guess what? There is!

Let’s welcome journaling into the convo – Your new mental health BFF.

This blog isn’t here to preach anything other than the benefits of journaling and how life-changing this routine will be for you.

Journaling is for everyone. You decide the where, when, and why as you start on this creative adventure.

Grab a pen, your favorite notebook (or even your phone!), and get ready to take notes on the benefits journaling will bring into your life.

Benefits of Journaling For Mental Health

Think of your journal as your safe space in a judgment-free zone where you’ll unload your thoughts and feelings without fear.

Journaling is underrated by many, but once you start the rest is history and you’ll have everyone joining you. We can’t ignore why mental health experts recommend journaling and it’s for good reason.

woman sitting by the water and writing in a journal

How Journaling for Mental Health Will Help You:

  • Feeling overwhelmed? Putting a pen to paper you’re processing stressful situations in real-time. You’ll learn to identify specific triggers and develop a healthier coping mechanism.
  • Struggling with Negativity? Journaling helps you acknowledge negative emotions while focusing on the positive aspects of your day or week. A great way to do this is with a gratitude list!
  • Lacking Sleep? Can’t seem to turn your brain off at night? You’re not alone. Writing down what’s been ruminating on your mind before bed will clear your mind of worries and anxieties, promoting better sleep quality.
  • Feeling Uninspired? Sometimes all you need is a blank page to spark your creativity. Use journaling for brainstorming ideas, writing prompts, or simply doodling freely.

How to Start Journaling?

Okay, we’ve piqued your interest in journaling and you’re ready to learn more. YAY! 

But now you’re wondering, “Where do I even begin”? – Great question.

I bet you rarely decide how you want something done and you’re the final decision-maker – No questions asked. 

That’s the best part of journaling: There are no rules! You’re the boss.

Don’t sour your experience with the unnecessary burden of following any specific rules or format. Why? Because it doesn’t exist. 

You decide what works best for you! This creates a sustainable new habit that’ll come naturally to you versus forced.

Getting Started With Journaling Is as Easy as These 5 Tips:

  1. Find Your Format: Notebook, laptop, phone app – Choose what feels comfortable for you.
‘Five Minute Journal” by Intelligent Change
(includes simple prompts to help you get started)
  1. Flexible Schedule: Aim for daily journaling, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Consider adding this practice to your evening or morning routine! Consistency is key. But don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day or two. Write on your terms! Remember, you’re the boss.
  1. Freewriting: Don’t worry about grammar or keeping your journal aesthetically pleasing. Let your thoughts flow freely onto the page with no overthinking.
  1. Prompt Power: Journaling prompts will jumpstart your writing. These can be anything you want them to be, from “What am I grateful for today?” to “What’s one challenge I’m facing right now?” 
  1. Express Yourself: Doodling, collaging, or incorporating different colored pens adds a fun twist to your journaling routine making it authentically your own.

This is how easy it is to start journaling! Why not start today? 

Nothing is stopping you. The sooner you begin the earlier you’ll be reaping the rewards. 

Journal Prompts for Beginners

This is something new for you, and we want to make it as easy as possible with less busy thinking and more busy writing.

These journaling prompts will kick-start your first week of journaling.

7 Beginner-Friendly Journal Prompts:

✍🏼 How would you spend your perfect day off?

✍🏼 Describe yourself in ten words.

✍🏼 What makes you feel the most inspired?

✍🏼 What can you do today to take better care of yourself?

✍🏼 What comes to mind first when you think of what makes you feel safe?

✍🏼 List X things or things you’re grateful for in life.

✍🏼 Talk about your goals for the day (morning journal)

✍🏼 Talk about the day you just had (evening journal)

Journaling for Mental Health: Beginner’s Edition

You’re doing a fantastic job! 👏 

elderly woman writing her diary while smiling

We’ve unpacked sooo much up to now. Covering the mental health benefits, how you can start journaling today, and include a full week of journal prompts to get things started.

Now that you’ve got the basics down pact, we have more exploring to do.

There could be a specific mental health issue that you need to prioritize early on as you start journaling versus trying to tackle it later on down the line.

Write about the topics that will improve your mental wellness the most.

Use Journaling for Targeted Mental Health Benefits:

  • Challenge Accepted: Dedicate a journaling session to any specific challenges you’re facing. Brainstorm solutions, identify resources, and track your progress over time.
  • Gratitude Guru: Create positivity by writing down things you’re grateful for every day. This practice will improve your mood and outlook. When you’re having a bad day, you can look back at your entries and remember how great your life is!
  • Positive Self-Talk: Is negative self-talk holding you back? Challenge those thoughts in your journal. Write down a few positive affirmations to counter the negativity. With repetition, your brain is rewiring its pathways. Repetition and consistency is key!
  • Future Focus: Your journal isn’t just for feelings, stay ahead by setting goals. Visualize your future self, and brainstorm action steps to get there. Every step forward is one step closer to your best self. Celebrate each milestone you achieve!

These examples help plant the seed to get you thinking about where you should start and what’s most important to you right now.

Journaling is yours to claim!

The important part is starting and showing up authentically for mental wellness. Journaling is what you decide to make of it. Express yourself freely without judgment or worry.

Don’t overthink your way out of journaling by trying to create a routine that doesn’t make sense for you.

So, go and grab your favorite journal… You know the one that’s been catching dust on the corner of your desk (we won’t tell) And start writing down anything that comes to mind.

Your mental well-being will thank you in ways you would’ve never imagined!

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